Out Now! monoPunk EP "KONTAKT." |
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Premiere in the new year: "Lebenslieder" Musik Talkshow on ARD:
We had the great pleasure of taking care of the new musical porduction of the new TV format "Lebenslieder" with Max Mutzke and wonderful guests. Tune in or check out at Mediathek der ARD.
Tuesday, January 26th, with actress Annette Frier.
Tuesday, February 9th, with comedian Bülent Ceylan
Tuesday, February 16th, with entertainer Barbara Schöneberger
Tuesday, February 23th, with violinist Daniel Hope, every time at 10:50 p.m. at Das Erste |
What does „monoPunk“ stand for musically?
Danny: It stands for beeing uncompromising in terms of musical energy, intensity and authenticity.
Maik: Not to forget openness to all music styles
How dit you come together as a band?
Maik: Tobi and I both studied at the Jazz Conservatory in Arnhem, The Netherlands.
Tobi: Exactly, after graduation we both lived in Cologne for 3 years and played gigs together from time to time.
Danny: I did not study at the Conservatory but used to hang around there and play a lot in local clubs.
I know Maik from a session in the Plaza Bar in Arnhem.
Maik: It's been a while now. I moved to Hamburg in 2005 and Tobias and I had the funny idea to start a project that performs beats and playbacks live –
we didn´t want to use acutual playbacks, we wanted to play the beats and it should sound like it has been sampled.
However, for that we lacked the right bass player. I remembered Danny. He loved the idea right away and so we put our heads together.
That was the beginning of monoPunk!
Danny: From the first note it was clear that the three of us were musically seeking and finding each other.
We share the same idea of phrasing and it always feels like a unity on stage.
And your first show?
Tobi: Our first show was a workshop at the Hamburg School of Music.
What was the workshop about ?
Maik: We struggled to find a lead singer and finally decided to work with Vocal Samples.
We demonstrated to the students how to play programmed beats and samples live without having backing tracks behind you –
which isn’t a common situation nowadays.
What sets you apart from other bands?
Danny: The fact that a steady band works with different vocalists itself is a fact that divides us from other bands if you speak in the terms of a „band“.
We are working with different talented singers, who share our vision of sound and style. For our monoPunk EP „Kontakt.“
we wrote together with Jenniffer Kae and Saint Lu, two Berlin based singers who gave the songs a great R’n’B urban pop flavour.
Maik: I think that our band sound is definitely something that sets us apart from others. The different influences of the three of us and our attitude form our unique band sound and that leads to a powerful stage presence.
What's up next for monoPunk?
Danny: We just released our first EP and are finishing working on the new Max Mutzke Album.
Of course we are looking forward to play the new Max Mutzke songs live as well. Listen on iTunes